Rasool Pur is a village located in Jampur Tehsil of Rajanpur district in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is situated 59.5 kilometer’s (37.0 mi) north from Rajanpur on Indus Highway. Rasool Pur is considered as model village, as whole village is a no-smoking zone, and has 100 percent literacy rate and zero crime rate in last 100 years. Village has it’s own Rasool Pur Development Society, responsible for collection of donations for people who cannot afford education. Society also makes sure that no one drops out of school.
People of the village belong to Ahmedani tribe of Baloch people who settled at this location in 1933-34 after being displaced five times due to floods at other locations since early nineteenth century. People of village built their first primary schools for boys and girls in 1935 for which funding was exclusively provided by the inhabitants of the village themselves.